We successfully conducted our 22nd AGM on 27th April 2021. It was the 2nd year we had to host it virtually due to the pandemic.
It was an honor to have the presence of her Excellency, the Ambassador of Switzerland, Andrea Reichlin and the Deputy Ambassador, Werner Bardill at our event. The Ambassador gave an economic forecast of Switzerland as well as the Bilateral Trade situation between Switzerland & ASEAN/Malaysia. She also updated on the covid situation and vaccination implementations in Switzerland.
The Chairman, Michael Hutab, then presented the proceedings and informed on past and future objectives. The Treasurer, Andre Keller, took over to explain the figures of the association and announced a healthy profit that SMCC has achieved. There has been also a shift in committee members with the Chairman, Michael Hutab, the Vice-Chairman, Markus Helbling and committee member, Craig Connolly stepping down and leaving their seats for new positions and new committee members. We would like to congratulate Simon Fluck for successfully being voted in as the new Chairman, Aileen Chan for being re-elected as the Secretary, Andre Keller for being the Treasurer and the following being voted in as committee members: Arno Kamm from Roche, Azwar Kamarudin from Novartis, Laurent Maillefer from ABB, Nurizan Hussin from Sinergia and Olivier Chiaradia from Nestle. Thank you Datin Shelina, our legal advisor from Abdullah Chan and & Co for supervising the AGM and the voting process. We would also like to express our appreciation to Laurent Maillefer for orchestrating the communication platform at the offices of ABB in Subang. Lastly thank you to our members for attending the AGM.