OCTOBER 5th & 6th, 2018

SMBA Visit in Penang   SMBA organised a trip to Penang for its Members on 5th and 6th October to visit SMBA members and colleagues who are based in Penang. This first ever SMBA trip to Penang was organised by a Sub-Committee comprising of Aileen, Nurizan and Pauline, and in collaboration with Stoppani Systems Sdn…

AUG 9TH, 2018

Introduction: Digitalization is very important in this age and time. It cuts across all industries. We are very proud to have (i) Mr. Hew Wee Choong, VP, Investment and Industry Development of MDEC sharing with us Malaysia’s Digital Economy in Cloud & Data Center, IOT, Big Data Analytics, e-Commerce, Fintech and Cybersecurity, (ii) Mr. Mark Britt, Co-founder &…

JUNE 28th, 2018

SMBA HR CIRCLE Q2 Event The second SMBA HR Circle in 2018 was held on Thursday, June 28. It was warmly hosted by SR Technics. Members had a good opportunity to reconnect amidst morning refreshments including hot coffee courtesy of Nespresso. Listening with balance The session opened with SR Technics Malaysia’s managing director Mr. Thomas…

19th Annual General Meeting
April 18, 2018

Event registration is by invitation only. Register with your email address to attend this event.   Event to be held at the following time, date, and location: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM (Malaysia Time Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) Time)   Chalet Suisse Restaurant No. C11-1, Jalan Ampang Utama 1/1 Off Jalan…

SMBA HR Circle
November 17, 2017

The SMBA HR Circle was established in 2016 to foster the exchange between the HR Practitioners of Swiss Companies active in Malaysia on all HR related matters. On 17th November 2017, Mr. Shahzad Umar graciously hosted the SMBA HR Circle at the Malaysian headquarter of Nestle in Petaling Jaya. Participants and HR practitioners from SR…