The SMCC HR Circle was established in 2017 to foster the exchange between the HR Professionals of Swiss Companies active in Malaysia on all HR related matters.

- SMCC Human Resource practitioners will be able share best practices for effective human resources management in the following areas;
- Recruitment & Selection
- Employee and Industrial Relations
- Compensations & Benefits
- Learning & Development
- Employee Engagement & Retention
- Corporate Social Responsibilities
- Human Resource Policies, Practices & HR systems & Compliance
- Union Negotiations
- Right Sizing etc.
- SMCC Human Resource practitioners can keep abreast with in the current trends, changes in government policies, Human Resources Development Fund policies hence create a strategic plan for the present/future needs in their organization.
- SMCC Human Resource practitioners will be able to learn and emulate best practices in relations to Employer of Choice, Employee Retention, Performance Management and Equal Opportunity.

SMCC will organize a quarterly HR Circle meeting. SMCC will invite professional experts like e.g. Industrial Relations lawyers to give a talk on Industrial Relations related topics during the HR circle. Thereafter followed by SMCC HR practitioner meetings.
The talk and meeting will be hosted on a rotation basis at the SMCC member’s company/premise.
The Host company can invite their employees, SMCC members and non members to the IR talk.